
2014. Modigliani & Cow . . .

    Modigliani & Cow . . . a black and white project. . . where objects in space or their home
    scructure show their true character. . . like all things that belong to the making of mood,
    they change with light, movements in their own space, near or far away from them. . .
    even daily weather changes their true nature. . . their color, shape, size. it's an endless
    evolution. . . the process may be in the photograph. at least time pases and objects in
    a room do adapt to it or not. . . they are at times displaced. . . or do not integrate well
    or do not interact to their best. . . near other objects that do not take them kn so to speak.
    black and white photography immediately objects out of their daily realm. it really is
    about energy.